2016 Human Resources Conferences & Seminars in Western Canada
One of the great aspects to human resource management is the ability to continually improve your skillset. There are a number of great resources for HR managers to tap into to grow their human resources knowledge. Here is a look at some upcoming HR webinars, conferences and other HR training events taking place in Western Canada in 2016.
July 2016:
July 18 – Payroll Administration in Canada – Vancouver. An intensive five-day seminar and gain a solid foundation in the basics of Canadian payroll. Sponsored by the Canadian Payroll Association. More information on this event.
July 27 – The Careful Workplace: From Vision to Reality – Webinar. This webinar will help you understand the original purpose of the Standard, the stated vision of which is the achievement of a “Careful Workplace.” In such a workplace there must be both a psychologically safe system of work and a psychologically safe culture. In addition you will learn the practical implications of the systemic and cultural requirements of the Standard for both HR and OHS roles. http://cpdcentre.ca/hrreporter/
July 27 – Special Payments and Completing the ROE – Vancouver
This seminar is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the payroll implications of special payments that fall outside of the norm in processing payroll. The program also deals with the intricacies of the correct completion of the Record of Employment (ROE). Sponsored by the Canadian Payroll Association. Contact: Kristina Bruce at Kristina.bruce@payroll.ca. Kamloops session takes place on August 18, 2016.
August 2016:
August 15 – MBTI Certification Program – Vancouver
Benefits of attending this include learning to help people become effective communicators, develop leadership skills, resolve conflict, build better teams, explore career options and transform their organizational culture. The event is sponsored by Psychometrics Canada Ltd. For more information see: https://www.psychometrics.com/training/mbti-certification/
August 17 – Best Practices of Employee Group Benefits – Victoria
This full day seminar will explore advanced tools of the Employee Benefits industry. It will provide a comprehensive, in-depth overview and analysis on employee benefits best practices to better equip participants with the tools to become better negotiators at renewal. This course will focus on group benefits primarily from a payroll, human resources and financial point of view. Sponsored by the Canadian Payroll Association. Contact: Kristina Bruce at Kristina.bruce@payroll.ca. Vancouver session takes place on August 19th.
September 2016:
September 29 – September Employment Standards – Kelowna
Sponsored by the Canadian Payroll Association.
October 2016:
October 21 – Using Type to Optimize Leadership – Calgary
This workshop focuses on harnessing personality type to help leaders optimize their effectiveness. Using the MBTI® assessment as a foundation, this Master Class will focus on the impact personality preferences and type dynamics play on natural leadership style – how we lead, what we value, and how we may be perceived by those around us. Sponsored by Psychometrics Canada Ltd. Contact:
Gaetanne Pelletier training@psychometrics.com.
October 25 – Strategic Organization Design Workshop – Edmonton
This workshop will introduce practical organization design models and tools to enable business leaders to review, assess and design their organizations for high performance. This session will provide leaders with insights into organization design concepts, models and frameworks, taking into consideration the required enabling governance and management practices and the implications for the organization. More information here.
October 25–26 – The 2016 Better Workplace Conference: Making a Difference Through Transformation – Vancouver
Join change professionals, HR leaders, workplace wellness champions, corporate culture experts and senior management from organizations across the country as we celebrate 20 years of enacting change to meet the future needs of Canadian workplaces. More information here.
Additional HR Event / Training Information can be found here and here.
If you need assistance with your recruiting efforts or need help developing an HR Strategy contact us at 778-484-0161. Aspire Recruitment Solutions is the leading human resource solution and employment agency provider to clients in Kelowna, Vernon, Kamloops, Northern BC and Alberta. We connect great employers with the best candidates every day.