Resume Tips Part Two: Resume Objective Statements

In part one of our series on resume tips we looked at 15 tips to consider when developing an effective resume as part of your preparation in your job search.  Tip #5 discussed the idea of the resume objective statement.  A resume objective statement is a brief statement that typically appears near the beginning of your resume and communicates how you would benefit the employer.  There has been some debate as to whether you should include an objective statement on your resume or if you should include a more detailed profile or summary statement section.  There is still some great value in having a resume objective statement as it can be a quick way to differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Here are some examples of resume objective statements:

  • To contribute superior project and operations management skills and experience in a Project Management role
  • I am seeking a position in the tourism industry focusing on sales, tourist relations and event planning in the Okanagan.
  • I am looking to re-enter the workforce in a full-time capacity and offer my 15 years of business to business sales experience to a dynamic organization.
  • I am looking for a receptionist position in Kelowna where I will use my exceptional skills in data entry and switchboard as well as my experience with Microsoft Office and Excel.
  • I am looking for a position with a <insert company type here> where I will use my skills and experience in SEO and social media to increase site traffic and propel your company’s growth.
  • To obtain a challenging position in a fast paced agency environment where my resourceful experience and marketing skills will add value to organizational operations
  • I am looking to relocate to the Okanagan where I can be a part of a dynamic team where I can maximize my event planning and restaurant management skills

You can see that there are more generic types of objective statements and then there are more specific statements that speak more directly to the position being applied for.  Having a more specific objective statement is preferred as it promotes the thought of how you can benefit the employer.  Regardless you may have noticed that a resume objective statement should be short and concise.  It should not be vague or too generic.

What Should a Resume Objective Statement Accomplish?

Having an objective statement on your resume should accomplish the following:

  • Describe how you would benefit the employer
  • Differentiate yourself from other candidates
  • Lead into your profile and work experience
  • Compel the audience to want to read through the rest of your resume

There is no doubt that having an effective resume can help you in your job search.  It can also help employers sift through the piles of resumes that they receive on a regular basis.  Your resume objective should communicate your career direction and how you can add value to the employer.  When creating your resume you will need to decide on using an objective statement or a resume summary statement.  While summary statements (which are basically a bullet list of your top selling points) are more popular a well focus objective statement can still provide great benefit.

In part three of our series on resume tips we will look at resume action verbs.

Still have questions or need help with your resume?  Visit our resume writing services page.

Aspire Recruitment Solutions provide temporary staffing solutions in the Okanagan and beyond.  Contact us today for assistance with your resume and cover letter writing needs.